Les petites vidéos où Matt (mais où est donc Matt) ont été vues par une vingtaine de millions d'internautes sur youtube, vous aussi vou trouvez sa petite chorégraphie banale voire pitoyable mais sympa?
14 mois sur la route, 42 pays, des lieux symboliques et des vues à couper le souffle, ils sont des milliers à avoir dansé aux cotés de Matt, il les remercie ici : tour du monde en 4 minutes 29.
More Buzz: Major Buzz Factory
le jeu du Chat et la Souris (sur internet) pour Inglourious Basterds
Le très attendu trailer du prochain Tarrantino (inglourious Basterds) joue les divas sur le net, il y est arrivé cette semaine, très surveillé, très mesuré, très contrôlé…mais publié par des fans sur youtube et dailymotion, puis il s'est retité :-)
Les fans ont pu mettre la main sur 25 secondes du film dans une auto-promo de l’émission Entertainment Tonight (une des émissions les plus imporatntes pour un film international) qui avait négocié l’exclusivité mondiale du trailer et entendait la protéger.
Les fans de Quentin ont repris le teaser de ET, on filmé leur écran TV… et publié en masse sur le net …quelques heures plus tard elles disparaissaient pratiquement « vidéo retirée à la demande de Universal International… »
Un petit jeu de cache cache de plus en plus fréquent auquel je joue aussi bien entendu, y compris pour ce film.
Le film annonce complet (premier teaser qui révèle l’intrigue et la chasse aux scalps de nazis) est visible sur le page Official Facebook (pour l’instant)
La sortie du film est prévue en France le 19 aout mais les rumeurs sur sa présence à Cannes circulent déjà.
PS voila un film annonce qui décoiffe vraiment
Brad Pitt, (Lt Aldo Raine)
« Every man under my command, owes me, one hundred Nazi scalps.
And I want my scalps.”…

PS est ce vraiment l’affiche teaser officielle ?
Pour tout savoir:
Official group sur facebook
Facebook Groupe (pour les filles?) Je craque pour Brad
Official Page
Brad Aldo l'apache
et sur twitter inglouriousBast
Les fans ont pu mettre la main sur 25 secondes du film dans une auto-promo de l’émission Entertainment Tonight (une des émissions les plus imporatntes pour un film international) qui avait négocié l’exclusivité mondiale du trailer et entendait la protéger.
Les fans de Quentin ont repris le teaser de ET, on filmé leur écran TV… et publié en masse sur le net …quelques heures plus tard elles disparaissaient pratiquement « vidéo retirée à la demande de Universal International… »
Un petit jeu de cache cache de plus en plus fréquent auquel je joue aussi bien entendu, y compris pour ce film.
Le film annonce complet (premier teaser qui révèle l’intrigue et la chasse aux scalps de nazis) est visible sur le page Official Facebook (pour l’instant)
La sortie du film est prévue en France le 19 aout mais les rumeurs sur sa présence à Cannes circulent déjà.
PS voila un film annonce qui décoiffe vraiment
Brad Pitt, (Lt Aldo Raine)
« Every man under my command, owes me, one hundred Nazi scalps.
And I want my scalps.”…

PS est ce vraiment l’affiche teaser officielle ?
Pour tout savoir:
Official group sur facebook
Facebook Groupe (pour les filles?) Je craque pour Brad
Official Page
Brad Aldo l'apache
et sur twitter inglouriousBast
Les spots de pub du super bowl et le marketing viral
Les études (New BayTSP Tracking Report, en l'occurence) permettent de mesurer l'attente d'un film à travers le nombre de mise en ligne et le nombre de visions des spots sur internet.
Le gagnant du dernier super bowl à ce "petit" jeu est Transformers 2
Trailers for “Transformers 2,” “Angels and Demons” and “G.I. Joe,” along with spots for SoBe and Pedigree, topped the list of most popular Super Bowl commercials watched online, according to a viral video tracking report issued today by BayTSP.
BayTSP tracked propagation and viewership of more than 50 commercials aired during Super Bowl XLIII across more than a dozen video hosting sites, including YouTube, Daily Motion and YouKu. Viral video tracking and measurement is part of BayTSP’s larger business intelligence service used by the entertainment industry to analyze consumer interest in feature films and television shows.
“Viral video propagation and viewership is an increasingly reliable barometer for judging consumer interest,” said BayTSP CEO Mark Ishikawa. “The majority of Super Bowl ads were uploaded by fans to YouTube, but for this project we monitored video hosting sites worldwide.”
As of 10 a.m. PT, Monday, February 2, the “Transformers 2” trailer had been posted 350 times and viewed more than 1.2 million times, according to BayTSP’s report. The “Angels and Devils” trailer appeared eight times and was viewed more than 431,000 times. The trailer for “G.I. Joe” was third, appearing 119 times with more than 415,000 views.
SoBe’s NFL ballerinas and Pedigree’s adoption drive ads featuring a rhino, ostrich and warthog were released 24-48 hours in advance of the game, according to industry reports. BayTSP identified 11 copies of SoBe’s commercial, with a combined viewership of more than 333,000. Pedigree’s commercial appeared nine times for a total viewership of more than 262,000.
“The entertainment industry uses BayTSP’s business intelligence services to identify where consumers are posting their content online, what content is most popular and how many people are viewing it,” Ishikawa said. “Coupled with BayTSP’s enforcement services, content owners can more effectively target and control their online promotions. All of this is key to negotiating and enforcing revenue sharing agreements with content distributors and monitoring the effectiveness of online advertising and marketing campaigns.”
Title Number of Videos Unique Views
Transformers 2 Trailer 350 1,175,825
Angels and Demons Trailer 12 431,298
G.I. Joe Trailer 119 415,320
SoBe: NFL Ballerinas 11 333,265
Pedigree: Adoption 9 262,096
E-Trade Financial: Babies 17 126,101
Bud Light: Conan Goes Swedish 15 78,244
Bridgestone: Potato Heads 17 73,247
Year One Trailer 25 72,079
Cheetos: The Birds 11 69,954
Le gagnant du dernier super bowl à ce "petit" jeu est Transformers 2
Trailers for “Transformers 2,” “Angels and Demons” and “G.I. Joe,” along with spots for SoBe and Pedigree, topped the list of most popular Super Bowl commercials watched online, according to a viral video tracking report issued today by BayTSP.
BayTSP tracked propagation and viewership of more than 50 commercials aired during Super Bowl XLIII across more than a dozen video hosting sites, including YouTube, Daily Motion and YouKu. Viral video tracking and measurement is part of BayTSP’s larger business intelligence service used by the entertainment industry to analyze consumer interest in feature films and television shows.
“Viral video propagation and viewership is an increasingly reliable barometer for judging consumer interest,” said BayTSP CEO Mark Ishikawa. “The majority of Super Bowl ads were uploaded by fans to YouTube, but for this project we monitored video hosting sites worldwide.”
As of 10 a.m. PT, Monday, February 2, the “Transformers 2” trailer had been posted 350 times and viewed more than 1.2 million times, according to BayTSP’s report. The “Angels and Devils” trailer appeared eight times and was viewed more than 431,000 times. The trailer for “G.I. Joe” was third, appearing 119 times with more than 415,000 views.
SoBe’s NFL ballerinas and Pedigree’s adoption drive ads featuring a rhino, ostrich and warthog were released 24-48 hours in advance of the game, according to industry reports. BayTSP identified 11 copies of SoBe’s commercial, with a combined viewership of more than 333,000. Pedigree’s commercial appeared nine times for a total viewership of more than 262,000.
“The entertainment industry uses BayTSP’s business intelligence services to identify where consumers are posting their content online, what content is most popular and how many people are viewing it,” Ishikawa said. “Coupled with BayTSP’s enforcement services, content owners can more effectively target and control their online promotions. All of this is key to negotiating and enforcing revenue sharing agreements with content distributors and monitoring the effectiveness of online advertising and marketing campaigns.”
Title Number of Videos Unique Views
Transformers 2 Trailer 350 1,175,825
Angels and Demons Trailer 12 431,298
G.I. Joe Trailer 119 415,320
SoBe: NFL Ballerinas 11 333,265
Pedigree: Adoption 9 262,096
E-Trade Financial: Babies 17 126,101
Bud Light: Conan Goes Swedish 15 78,244
Bridgestone: Potato Heads 17 73,247
Year One Trailer 25 72,079
Cheetos: The Birds 11 69,954
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