
Joyeuses fêtes


Get Happy sur le circuit des festivals

J accompagne  les producteurs de Get Happy et Rooted in Peace qui ont eu tous les deux leur première mondiale au Festival de Montréal.

Rooted in Peace by Greg Reitman

ROOTED in PEACE, Documentary - USA - 97 minutes - 2015

Documentary by SUNDANCE alum GREG REITMAN (Sundance Audience Award Winner for fhis first documentary 'Fuel')

Starring: Deepak Chopra, Donovan, Mike Love, David Lynch, Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire, Pete Seeger, Ted Turner, Archbishop Desmond Tutu

"ROOTED in PEACE challenges viewers to examine their values as Americans and human beings. Today we are at war within ourselves, with our environment, and with the world. Director and award-winning filmmaker Greg Reitman invites viewers on a film journey to take notice of the world we live in, proactively seek ways to find personal and ecological peace, and stop the cycle of violence".

Website I EPK on filmfestivals.com I Trailer I Email us for a screener

Get Happy by Manoj Annadurai

Feature Feel Good Movie - USA - 99 minutes - First feature - 2015
World premiered in Montreal World Film Festival Winner best romantic comedy in Manhattan Fest

Charlie Kane can’t catch a break. He grew into a man who expects the worse out of life and gets it. But that changes when, by chance, he meets a bright, sunny sprite of a woman named Holly who turns him from a dour drip into someone finally allowing himself to be happy.Then a bus flattens her before Charlie eyes. Charlie opts for suicide but can’t even successfully give up on life. Left with no other choice, he adopts Holly’s ethos of positivity and just decides to be happy... by ignoring all the bad things in life. But his cynical best friend isn’t buying Charlie’s new-found happiness and sets out to save Charlie by making him miserable again.

Website I Epk on filmfestivals.com I Trailer I Email us for a screener
Revolution by Rob Stewart (second feature documentary following the success of Sharkwater)

Eco Documentary feature film by Rob Stewart (Sharkwater) - 82 minutes - Canada -

Sharkwater was about saving sharks from shark finning; Revolution is about saving humans, saving our planet and the need for a revolution to change our world.

The true-life adventure of Rob Stewart, this follow-up to his acclaimed SHARKWATER (36 festival wins) documentary continues his remarkable journey; one that will take him through 15 countries over four years, and where he'll discover that it's not only sharks that are in grave danger -- it's humanity itself.

Website I Epk on filmfestivals.com I Trailer I Email us for a screener

Happy Filmmakers thank us for the good service

Hi Bruno

I hope you are well. It is a sad time for Paris but be brave and know that the word is praying for Paris.

I just wanted to thank you again for your help with my film "Foxed". We had a great run on the festival circuit and are now making the FOXED feature film.
James Stewart

Bonjour Bruno,
Plaisir plus que partagé, si on est là c'est grace à toi, mille mercis !
A très vite, amitiés
Gilles Podesta


Hey Bruno,
Thanks, it looks great! Well done. I must do this with you on all movies going forward! 
Great job and look forward to seeing you tomorrow at 5pm! 
Thanks again for a great start to the festival for us!
Howard J.Ford

I just wanted to thank you, because my boyfriend and I where able to hear about the Amazing Thailand Film Challengue and we got selected and went to this incredible adventure.
Thank you so much for liberating information on filmfestivals.com I will never stop following u guys!
Camila Balzaretti 


Vous aimez les affiches de cinéma, vous allez adorre celles de Saul Bass : Une grande expo à Montpellier

Une belle expo au centre d’art La Fenêtre qui, depuis 2011, fait à Montpellier la promotion des arts appliqués et visuels, présentera à partir du 8 janvier 2016 : It’s a Bass Bass World Quatre expositions et une dizaine d’événements (conférences, projections, performances) pour célébrer le 20e anniversaire de la mort de Saul Bass (1920-1996), le tout constituant une proposition inédite en France à ne manquer sous aucun pretexte.

Un hommage à une oeuvre majeure dans l’histoire du design graphique, une écriture unique et foisonnante et finalement un socle incontournable pour l’ensemble de la culture visuelle contemporaine. En partenariat, notamment, avec les cinémas d’art & essai Diagonal, l’Université de Montpellier, Radio Nova, la direction académique de l’Hérault, avec les soutiens de Jennifer Bass et Pat Kirkham (historienne du design et biographe de Saul Bass), et en coproduction avec La Panacée, centre de culture contemporaine, de la ville de Montpellier.

L’exposition rétrospective de La Fenêtre présentera des contenus exceptionnels, collections d’affiches et éditions originales, entretiens et films rares...

Si certaines de ses créations sont désormais entrées dans le «domaine public visuel», le nom de Saul Bass est paradoxalement peu connu du grand public. Seuls quelques cinéphiles l’ont identifié comme l’inventeur du générique animé dans les années 1950 et 1960 et comme le créateur d’une soixantaine de «crédits» fameux pour Otto Preminger, Alfred Hitchcock, Billy Wilder ou Martin Scorsese. Moins nombreux encore sont ceux qui connaissent la remarquable carrière de Bass comme consultant visuel (pour West Side Story, Psychose ou Spartacus), comme affichiste ou comme réalisateur d’une demi-douzaine de courts-métrages et d’un ambitieux long-métrage de science-fiction tourné en Angleterre, Phase IV (1974). Et très peu soupçonnent que cette production consacrée au cinéma ne représente qu’une très petite partie de l’activité d’un des graphistes commerciaux les plus influents du XXe siècle... «It’s a Bass Bass World», ou la rencontre avec une vie entière dédiée à la création visuelle, entre design graphique et cinéma.


Invité comme speaker à FestForward, conférence des festivals sur le thème: Future of Festivals

Oscar campaign for Paranoid Girls, Distribution deal for Pseudonym

Paranoid Girls

The film Paranoid Girls (Chicas Paranoicas) was accepted by the Academy of Arts and Sciences as an entry in the general category. The original lobbying campaign is orchestrated by Bruno Chatelin / filmfestivals.com
FOR YOUR OSCAR CONSIDERATION. Contact us to receive a screener.bruno@filmfestivals.com
Great News Paranoid Girls pre selected by The Oscar Academy for Best Original Song...Cross fingers and go viral.!

Pseudonym will be released in theatres March 9, 2015 after a successfull run in the circuit with three wins so far, the film has been picked up for distribution in France and International sales. The producer sent a warm thank you note
"...si on est là c'est grave à toi, mille mercis Bruno!"
Gilles Podesta Producer chez Diabolo Films

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