
Sundance and Berlin Promotion

Take center stage in the festival circuit : blast your press releases, promote in our dedicated Newsletters...

We produce dailies for the key festivals and specific newsletter blasts .

We bring Market Dailies, Glamour, Biz and Buzz from AFM, Cannes, Venice, Montreal, Toronto, San Sebastian, Sundance, Berlin, Locarno and many more.

“I wish you the best of luck on the festival and film market circuit.
As a film distributor I have witnessed a few times how true magic can happen in festivals for film and talent and I have personally contributed to some amazing success stories in Cannes including Boyz’n The Hood, Amfar Launch with Cliffhanger and many more. Cannes and other key festivals offer a wealth of opportunities in the film Industry and this continues to amaze and drive me.
filmfestivals.com  contribute to your success on the festival circuit which I have attended since 1987 promoting 160 films (as head of marketing and Managing Director for UGC - 20Th Century Fox Distribution, and prior to this with Sony in France). I would be happy to share my knowledge and expertise with you."    
Bruno Chatelin  - COO Filmfestivals.com

We can help you many ways, with a large commando team in festivals and a solid experience at your service.

We can distribute your content multiple ways.
·         We can publish your news on our website in the Festival Dailies: we edit dailies for more than 30 festivals and markets a year.
Examples : see your article in
Cannes Market Dailies or Cannes Dailies pages, AFM Dailies or Locarno, Montreal, Venise, Toronto, Berlin and Sundance Bumpers / Dailies         49.00€                                                                                                                                    
·         Include your article in the editor’s blog                                                                               90.00€
·         Include your text in our weekly newsletter (150 652 subscribers)           99.00€
·         Send on your behalf the FULL RELEASE in a dedicated eBlast to our media database
11 000 media contacts, breakdown below).                                                    155.00€
We can also discuss other types of promotion, including article promotion to homepage of the main site (75€ for one day minimum) or video on homepage (145.00€).
We can also shoot interview, film your events in festivals your are attending…
Our database of 11 601 Media Outlets includes online media, newspaper and magazine editors, journalists, syndicates and broadcast media, most of them covering the large film festivals Cannes, Berlin, Venice Toronto…).
US and International media 6 952
German media 697
Canadian media 355
Swiss media 92
Italian media 669
Argentineans media 214
Spanish media 181
French media 2565
Media attending Cannes 1188
Media from Asia 33

Breakdown of filmfestivals.com’ readership

Check our offers below, and call us if you need more sophisticated strategies.

1. Press Release distribution service:
-Publication on filmfestivals.com on your behalf on the festival dailies: (for instance cannes pages) (word text submitted with separate elements)                                               79.00€
when submitted in html format : page with image embedded…               49.00€ 
-Publication in our weekly newsletter.
We include your message in our weekly newsletter to 157 112 film pros subscribers
.  Title: 10 words max  1 line max
.  Content: 50 Words text (2 lines) plus “
read more” with a link to your online release, or the page on our site.
.  Vignette: one small Photo width <150 .="" nbsp="" o:p="" pix="">

Rates for festivals.
All year round - all inclusive assisted publication for festivals is charged                            390.00 €
2. Dedicated Blast for your press release to our media contact
We send your html formatted message to 11 600 media covering the festival scene in one email where your message is the only message.                                                                                  155.00 €
Formatting charge of 30€ if content is not in html format
Sticky publication (stays on forever !) on our dailies pages is charged                                    49.00 €
Submit your Press Release for distribution to bruno@filmfestivals.com payment is accepted via PayPal upfront after acceptance of the test.
Ask for a quote if you need to reach our complete database, buyers, film pros, institutionals,...

4. Sales Pitch to buyers

Database of 4 569 Film Buyers past and current attendees in the Market
Your html Blast to the Buyers includes a photo, Links and Text, the content of the blast is all yours. 250.00  €
Blast to TV buyers of film (503 contacts)                                                                                             150.00 €
Sticky publication (stays on forever) on our
Dailies is charged                                                  49.00 €
Options at preferred rates

Article promotion to homepage 1 day and newsletter (157 100) inclusion           100.00 €
Video trailer promotion to homepage                                                                                 145.00 €
Video interview shot, edited and published during Cannes 2 minutes                  390.00 €

5. Help with video services in Cannes, San Sebastian, Venice, Annecy, Montreal, Toronto, Berlin...
Our crew can film your event, promote in our dailies and provide, feed red carpet best of, parties, one on one interviews.
Copy, transfer and duplication services and editing in Cannes, we serve and upload best of Cannes raw footage to 15 foreign TV channels.
Dailies best of Cannes Red Carpet 7 minutes per film presentation raw edit (shot on P2 chip HD Panasonic 
3 000€
Details of our Cannes TV and reporters crew.

Email me with any questions bruno@filmfestivals.com
Bruno Chatelin  

Filmfestivals.com COO 
+33 6 80 99 57 34 

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