
Oscar campaign for Paranoid Girls, Distribution deal for Pseudonym

Paranoid Girls

The film Paranoid Girls (Chicas Paranoicas) was accepted by the Academy of Arts and Sciences as an entry in the general category. The original lobbying campaign is orchestrated by Bruno Chatelin / filmfestivals.com
FOR YOUR OSCAR CONSIDERATION. Contact us to receive a screener.bruno@filmfestivals.com
Great News Paranoid Girls pre selected by The Oscar Academy for Best Original Song...Cross fingers and go viral.!

Pseudonym will be released in theatres March 9, 2015 after a successfull run in the circuit with three wins so far, the film has been picked up for distribution in France and International sales. The producer sent a warm thank you note
"...si on est là c'est grave à toi, mille mercis Bruno!"
Gilles Podesta Producer chez Diabolo Films

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