
Happy Filmmakers thank us for the good service

Hi Bruno

I hope you are well. It is a sad time for Paris but be brave and know that the word is praying for Paris.

I just wanted to thank you again for your help with my film "Foxed". We had a great run on the festival circuit and are now making the FOXED feature film.
James Stewart

Bonjour Bruno,
Plaisir plus que partagé, si on est là c'est grace à toi, mille mercis !
A très vite, amitiés
Gilles Podesta


Hey Bruno,
Thanks, it looks great! Well done. I must do this with you on all movies going forward! 
Great job and look forward to seeing you tomorrow at 5pm! 
Thanks again for a great start to the festival for us!
Howard J.Ford

I just wanted to thank you, because my boyfriend and I where able to hear about the Amazing Thailand Film Challengue and we got selected and went to this incredible adventure.
Thank you so much for liberating information on filmfestivals.com I will never stop following u guys!
Camila Balzaretti 

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