
The Dark Side of the Lavazza IncluCity Festival

Experience the ultimate thrill and immerse yourself in a world of darkness, suspense, and unexplained phenomena with our captivating nights. Join us for spine-tingling movie screenings from our new “The Dark Side” of Lavazza Inclucity program.

Prepare to be transported into a realm where the lines between reality and the supernatural blur. Get ready for an evening filled with chilling excitement as you witness the dark side of Lavazza Inclucity come to life on the big screen. Our exclusive movie screenings will take you on a journey through the depths of fear and suspense. Brace yourself for a truly creepy and atmospheric cinematic experience that will send shivers down your spine.

Whether you’re a fan of horror, suspense, or simply seeking an unforgettable evening of thrills, our screenings are sure to captivate and leave you with an eerie sense of fascination. Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to explore the unknown and dive into the depths of the supernatural.

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