
East Doc Interactive Projects Selection

We are thrilled to announce the official selection of this year’s East Doc Interactive participating projects. This year’s lineup brings together a mix of voices and stories, pushing documentary storytelling in new and exciting directions with innovative, immersive techniques.

Congratulations!We’re looking forward to see you in October at the ART*VR Festival.

Aquatia (dir. Paweł Szarzyński, PL, 30’)
Dive into a world of blooming mechanical life forms, where you can swim, navigate, and explore using your whole body. Immerse yourself in an out-of-this-world political drama that's as intriguing as it is unique.

ECHO PROJECT 9 (dir. Małgorzata Wabińska, PL, 9’)
The film creatively explores the journey of self-development. Starting in an undefined space, users are immersed in a unique meditation-like experience, seeking a connection between body and mind through visuals, sounds, and perception play.

The Mermaid Effect (dir. Markéta Magidová, CZ, 12’)
The film takes place in underwater film studios, with mythological sea creatures and humans working in unequal status. Their livelihood is based on the production of mainstream films of mermaids that reduce the diversity of their bodies and stories.

Oei (dir. Lucas Dewulf, BE, 50’)
The project is an immersive VR ritual for 5 participants. The audience becomes the main character in a journey to rediscover safety in expressing emotions through their body and touch.

Scratching the Surface (dir. Wiktor Filip Gacparski, DE, 17’)
Can the human soul be digitized? After the loss of her father, Line Hoven embarks on a personal journey into the world of digital and generative art, navigating the emotional depths of life and death in an immersive, interactive VR experience.

🏆Awards for IDF Alumni Projects 🏆

Baltic UXO Won the Docu Talent Award
We are very proud to announce that our Ex Oriente Film alumni project Baltic UXO by Agnė Dovydaitytė and Alexander Belinski, produced by Dagnė Vildžiūnaitė, has just been awarded at the Sarajevo Film Festival. Huge congratulations to the whole team!

According to the jury, “This project looks very professional, featured beautiful cinematography, and seems to turn a hidden secret into a universal story. We can imagine the success of the planned impact campaign, connecting the film to contemporary conversations around environmentalism, militarism and the political decisions that happen without our knowledge.” 🎥✨

KineDok is going to the Banát festival

It's become our tradition to go to a small, remote Czech village in the Romanian mountains called Eibenthal, where the Banát Festival is held every year to support local compatriots. This time we are bringing two new films from the wild Balkans and Caucasus - Between Revolutions (21. 8. 8 PM) and Smiling Georgia (23. 8. 6:30 PM).

Catch Upcoming East Silver Caravan Screenings

The festival season is in full swing, and the East Silver Caravan is on the move! Our fantastic documentaries highlight incredible stories and talent. See where you can watch them:

IDF Projects at Baltic Sea Docs

Five IDF alumni projects have been selected for the amazing Baltic Sea Docs 2024, our esteemed partner. The industry part of the feastival will take place from 1st to 6th of September in Riga, Latvia. See you there!

Subscribe to KineDok and watch documentary films online for free

One of the IDF's activities is KineDok, a community-driven distribution of creative documentary films outside cinemas. We invite you to places like galleries, coffee shops, and even boats. As KineDok we also organize a free online screenings or discussions. Subscribe to the KineDok newsletter so you don’t miss any interesting events!

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