
Enter the New York Metropolitan Screenwriting & Film Awards and meet with three top talent managers!!

Save 20% on all submissions with discount code NY20NY

The New York Metropolitan Screenwriting & Film Awards rewards three talented screenwriters with the priceless industry consultations with top talent managers. Winners also receive invaluable script notes -plus a page and half of notes from our final round judges.

Top filmmakers also get distribution consideration!!!
Submit today and get the exposure and advice you need to get ahead.

A first class level competition organized and run by people who care. It was an honor to have The SICKEN in the NYMSC and even more so to have been awarded top screenplay. The communication is superb and dedication to the screenwriting community is second to none. It should be in everyone's top ten screenwriting competitions to enter. -Danny Alex 2021 winner

Many thanks to New York Metropolitan Screenwriting Competition. It's so good to find a festival where good writing is valued. Thanks! -John McClosky

Great competition. I received fantastic notes that were positive and productive. -Marco Ruggio

Wonderful festival Thank you! -Luella Hill

Oh, my goodness!! This is an unspeakable honor. I couldn't be prouder to be chosen as a nominee! Thank you for being such an immense support to writers, and thank you, again, for the recognition. All of the absolute best to each of you. -Chris Langford

This was a good festival, and not because I won, but because they delivered on everything that the festival claimed they would. After announcing the winner, the emails with industry contacts and notes came fast. The director of the festival made communication reasonably easy. Although I didn't know much about the process, I was always steered in the right direction. I am humbled that my work was chosen winner in this very professional and prestigious event. -Martin King


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