
The Grand Budapest Hotel by Wes Anderson Closing film of the 8th edition of Film Noir au Canal

The Grand Budapest Hotel will close Film Noir au Canal with the collaboration of the Festival du nouveau cinéma

Film Noir au Canal is thrilled to announce its pick to close the 8th edition: The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014) by Wes Anderson. This work of contemporary cinema, which won the Silver Bear Grand Jury Prize at the 2014 Berlinale and four Oscars the following year, will be screened on Sunday, August 18 at Square Saint-Patrick, in collaboration with the Festival du nouveau cinéma.

From 7 p.m., the event will begin with a musical performance by Femoir (Karen Myatt), followed by a presentation of the film by Justine Smith, film critic for various media (Cult MTL, Roger Ebert, Hyperallergic, Little White Lies), and programmer of the Underground section of the Fantasia Festival.

At 8:15 p.m., The Grand Budapest Hotel will be screened free of charge and outdoors, in the original English version with French subtitles. Featuring a star-studded cast, the film tells the story of M. Gustave (Ralph Fiennes), concierge at the Grand Budapest Hotel located in the imaginary land of Zubrowka during the inter-war period.

Supporting campaign 2024

This crowd-pleasing event is offered free of charge, any voluntary contribution will be gladly appreciated. For this 8th edition, the festival invites the public to take part in a supporting campaign. Until August 23, people can make an online donation of $10, $20, $50 or the amount of their choice. All funds raised will be invested in the organization and promotion of these mysterious cinematic nights. To participate in the campaign: bit.ly/FilmNoirAuCanal_Campagne2024

About Film Noir au Canal

Since 2015, Film Noir au Canal has presented cult crime films for free on the banks of the Lachine Canal. Amidst silos and industrial buildings, this couldn’t be a more fitting outdoor setting to watch film noir masterpieces, including some contemporary examples of the genre. To keep the suspense going, the movies from the Film Noir au Canal lineup will be unveiled every week throughout the summer.

Film Noir au Canal is presented thanks to the financial support of W. Maxwell Agendas, Arrondissement le Sud-Ouest and the Caisse Desjardins du Sud-Ouest de Montréal.

The 8th edition of Film Noir au Canal - from July 14 to August 18, 2024

Follow Film Noir au Canal on filmnoiraucanal.org | Facebook | X | Instagram

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