
Locarno Pro Announces Industry Winners 2024

Locarno Pro, the industry platform of the Locarno Film Festival, has announced the winning projects for three of its landmark initiatives: work-in-progress section First Look with a focus on Spanish cinema this year, co-development program Alliance 4 Development, and the Heritage Restoration Contest.

First Look Winners 2024, Credits: Locarno Film Festival / Ti-Press

Dream of Another Summer by Irene Bartolomé and produced by Pere Marzo (Colibrí Studio), Irene Bartolomé (I.B. Films) and Elie Kamal (The Attic Productions) won the Antaviana Films First Look Award, covering post-production services up to € 50,000. The Music Library &SFX/Acorde Award worth € 45,000 in music supervision services went to Río abajo, un tigre by Víctor Diago and produced by Montse Pujol Solà (Boogaloo Films), which also nabbed the award by Laserfilm cine y vídeo, worth € 5,000. The Jannuzzi Smith Award, covering the design of an international poster worth € 10,000 was given to Mares by Ariadna Seuba and produced by Carles Brugeras and Marieke van der Bersselaar (Polar Star Films) and María Nova López (Intactes Films), whereas Le Film Français Award, worth € 5,600 of advertising space, was awarded to Bodegón con fantasmas by Enrique Buleo and produced by Alejandra Mora (Quatre Films Audiovisuales SL), Alicia Yubero (Cuidado con el perro), Snezana van Houwelingen (This and that) and Roberto Butragueño (Sideral).

The First Look awards were handed out by an international jury, comprised of Beatrice Fiorentino (Artistic Director, Venice's International Film Critics’ Week), Kerem Ayan (Director, Istanbul Film Festival), and Mercedes Martínez-Abarca (Programmer, International Film Festival Rotterdam). During First Look, which ran 9 – 11 August, six upcoming Spanish titles were presented to industry professionals, thanks to a partnership with ICAA, the Spanish Institute of Cinematography and Audiovisual Arts, and ICEX Spain Trade & Investment.

Alliance 4 Development Winners 2024, Credits: Locarno Film Festival / Ti-Press

Alliance 4 Development, the co-development program for projects in development from Austria, France, Germany, Italy, and Switzerland, also drew to a close on Sunday, 11 August. Bourgeois Paranoia directed by Lukas Nathrath and produced by Linus Günther (Klinkerfilm Production, Germany) won the Alphapanda Market Breakout Award, whereas the Script Consultancy Residency at DreamAgo Offered by the Valais Film Commission went to 6 Mois 6 jours (6 Months 6 Days) by Michale Boganim, produced by Mathilde Leite (Vilanova Productions, France), co-produced by Dorothe Beinemeier (Red Balloon Film, Germany. La Fin de l’été (Atlantic Mirage) by Hakim Mao, produced by Emma Binet and Charles Meresse (Furyo Films, France) received the MIDPOINT Consulting Award, and Itaca (Ithaca) directed by Alessandro Grande and produced by Alessandro Amato and Luigi Chimienti (dispàrte, Italy) took home the Ticino Film Commission Residence Award.

Britt Ekland in I cannibali

I cannibali (The Year of the Cannibals, 1969) by Liliana Cavani won the second edition of the Heritage Restoration Contest, following an open call in March. The film, represented by Minerva Pictures, will receive a full restoration progress by film lab Cinegrell and will be shown at the Locarno Film Festival 2025.

The jury for the Heritage Restoration Contest, composed of Ido Abram (Director, Netherlands Film Festival), Nicole T. Allemann (Head of Film Restoration & Lab, Cinegrell) and K.J. Relth-Miller (Director of Film Programs, Academy Museum of Motion Pictures), said the film “is still (...) relevant and provocative (...) and its restoration will allow new audiences to rediscover the work of master of Italian and international cinema”.

The Winners


Antaviana Films First Look Award 

Up to € 50,000 in post-production services

Dream of Another Summer by Irene Bartolomé, produced by: Pere Marzo (Colibrí Studio), Irene Bartolomé (I.B. Films) and Elie Kamal (The Attic Productions)

Jury statement: “A poetic and rigorous project that elaborates on collective trauma by rewriting the topography of a city wounded many times by history. In its dual public and private dimensions, it restores the complexity of a territory marked by the past and the drive for modernity.”

Music Library &SFX/Acorde Award 

€ 45,000 in music supervision services at Music Library &SFX ’s labs

Río abajo, un tigre by Víctor Diago, produced by Montse Pujol Solà (Boogaloo Films)

Laserfilm cine y vídeo Award

€ 5,000, which can, for example, be spent on subtitles, audio descriptions, spotting lists, transcriptions or a DCP

Río abajo, un tigre by Víctor Diago, produced by Montse Pujol Solà (Boogaloo Films)

Jannuzzi Smith Award

The design of an international poster worth € 10,000.

Mares by Ariadna Seuba, poduced by Carles Brugeras, Marieke van der Bersselaar (Polar Star Films), María Nova López (Intactes Films)

Le Film Français Award

€ 5,600 of advertising space

Bodegón con fantasmas by Enrique Buleo, produced by Alejandra Mora (Quatre Films Audiovisuales SL), Alicia Yubero (Cuidado con el perro), Snezana van Houwelingen (This and that), Roberto Butragueño (Sideral)


Alphapanda Market Breakout Award

Consultancy services in the value of € 3,500

Bourgeois Paranoia by Lukas Nathrath, produced by Linus Günther (Klinkerfilm Production, Germany)

Alphapanda states: “The Alphapanda Market Breakout Award 2024 goes to a promising vision that we cannot wait to cringe about. Humour, discomfort, obsession, revenge and bourgeois paranoia are stretched to the limits and we're in for the bloody ride.”

Script Consultancy Residency at DreamAgo offered by the Valais Film Commission

6 Mois 6 jours (6 Months 6 Days) by Michale Boganim, produced by Mathilde Leite (Vilanova Productions, France), co-produced by Dorothe Beinemeier (Red Balloon Film, Germany)

Pascale Rey (DreamAgo) and Tristan Albrecht (Valais Film Commission) state: “This project is a strong story (validated by the criteria of DreamAgo) and a great potential on the production side (validated by the Valais Film Commission). Therefore we are very happy to offer the writer a script doctoring by Sir Christopher Hampton, during Plume & Pellicule in June 2025.”

MIDPOINT Consulting Award

A in-depth online script consultancy with one of the MIDPOINT Institute experts

La Fin de l’été (Atlantic Mirage) by Hakim Mao, produced by Emma Binet and Charles Meresse (Furyo Films, France)

MIDPOINT states: “We are excited to support a compelling and gripping story that uniquely blends themes and genres, set against the mysterious backdrop of the cosmopolitan city of Agadir. Hakim Mao convinced us with his strong artistic vision, and we are eager to help him bring it to life.”

Ticino Film Commission Residence Award

A 2-day location scout (worth CHF 4,000) and Letter of Intent (LOI) for financial support for the production company (worth up to CHF 12,000), if all or part of the film will be shot in Ticino

Itaca (Ithaca) by Alessandro Grande, produced by Alessandro Amato and Luigi Chimienti (dispàrte, Italy)


I cannibali (The Year of the Cannibals, 1969) by Liliana Cavani

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